At the simplest level pruning is to ensure the plants health and vigor, while preventing infection and disease. Our original focus in Santa Cruz County, California has been specialized in seasonal garden pruning and training. We have a passion that roots in a natural tendency to observe and study plant growth. Understanding how, when and why each particular plant variety responds to pruning is our area of interest. By pruning with intention and having knowledge of how plants grow we can not only improve the aesthetics but enhance ornamental features such as flowers and foliage, increase crops and create striking plant features and combinations. Understanding the principles of how and why plants respond to pruning is the key to realizing their potential.
Our company integrates eastern principles and fundamentals into our gardening techniques. Essentially the primary difference between the western approaches of growing landscapes in the United States, in comparison to the Japanese technique in the east is pruning and training. Culturally in the west we are naive to the long term potential of a landscape and seek the short term gains of the wild habitat. Western approach ignores the future potential of the garden and the science behind horticulture in its whole form. This is why we have chosen to use holistic horticulture as the name and identity of our company. The garden in a complex ecosystem and without designing and growing it with the consideration of the whole form, it eventually develops problems. Modern principles of pruning in the west are to aggressively fight back plant growth in hopes of fixing and issue that has already developed. The concept of holism, in comparison, is displayed thru preventative health care in the garden and seasonal maintenance plan. We can embrace a sustainable vision that wisely encourages long-term horticultural health thru a systematic pruning and training routine. Traditionally Eastern garden principles, training techniques, and design concepts are always focused on longevity. At holistic horticulture, we adapt eastern principles that integrate western knowledge to better develop the long-term potential of your garden.